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According to the 2022 Media Global Market Report by Research and Markets, the global media market is projected to reach a total of $3,680.46 billion by 2026 at a compound annual growth rate of 13.3%. With so much growth on the way, especially as we start to move into the metaverse, it's important that companies don't let opportunities slip past them and lose out on revenue they could be earning. But what's the best way to capture all of the information you need to fully capitalize on all of your rights?

While the first step may be to adopt a rights management systems, there are more requirements that you should take into consideration. It's important to understand the difference between systems that are just "rights aware" and systems that are "right sentient" in order to fully unlock the value of your IP. Choosing the wrong type of system could cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars. 

In this new position paper, industry experts discuss:

  • The difference between "rights aware" and "rights sentient" management systems
  • How companies can avoid the pernicious trap of using outdated information
  • How the rights management systems can help ensure rights do not expire in the middle of a deal
Read the position paper to learn more!